Saturday, November 29, 2008


Take a mountain (no particular mountain). A real nice, tall, skyscraping piece of heavy set stone, with roots tied deep into the core of our planet. Picture the sharp top of it, along the rotation of earth, tearing a big evil rift in the sky, forcing the universe outside to bleed in galactic proportions of flaming cold snow. Bathe it in the memories of your favourite war, backlit by a neat sunset... and there you go. A somewhat more just meaning of the word avalanche applied to its norwegian equivalent in the shape of a band called Snöras.

Snöras is indeed a beautiful and highly recommendable Norwegian hybrid of great moments in both vibrant hardcore and melancholy mathrock. Their second album Plague Waters came out late september (start october) to very wellearned reviews both in commercial and underground press. The album is released by Fysisk Format and is out on both cd and vinyl. Prelisten songs and find links for purchases (itunes/physical record) here.

Snöras - Lucid River. Download (rightclick+save as).

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